
Treatments & Services

Our Services

Treatments & Services

Our Services

Neck Pain

Shoulder Pain

Back Pain

Hip Pain

Knee Pain

Post Operation

Sports Injuries

Neck Pain

Treatment may include heat therapy, rest, gentle exercises, posture improvement, and over-the-counter pain relief. Severe cases might require physical therapy or medical intervention.

Shoulder Pain

Often managed with rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications. Physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, or surgery may be necessary for persistent or severe cases.

Back Pain

Initial treatment typically involves pain relief methods such as hot or cold compresses, anti-inflammatory gels, and proper rest. Chronic or severe back pain may require physical therapy or medical procedures.

Hip Pain

Can be alleviated with rest, ice, and pain relievers. In more serious cases, physical therapy, the use of a walking cane, or surgery might be recommended.

Knee Pain

Mild knee pain often responds well to muscle relaxants, heat or cold therapy, and gentle exercise. More severe injuries might need immobilization, physical therapy, or surgery.

Post Operation

Postoperative care includes pain management, wound care, ensuring hydration, monitoring for complications, and aiding in recovery. It may involve special supplies, medications, or caregiver support.

Sports Injuries

Treatment ranges from rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) for minor injuries to medical treatments like immobilization, physical therapy, and surgery for more serious conditions.

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